Color paint splashes with rings

Cannabis and Creativity: CBD

By now you have probably heard about CBD in some form. CBD is short for cannabidiol and it is a compound from the cannabis plant which is not psychoactive. It is a wonderful natural alternative helping with a large variety of aliments and health concerns. But what about helping with creativity?

Art and Mindset

I became a self employed artist in June of 2O18 which 1 is exciting and very rewarding, but I have come to learn it can also can be very overwhelming. My creativity is my paycheck. I have to run a business and stay in creative mode. Yikes right? So how is CBD helping me do that you ask?

For me personally, as an artist, I have to have a clear head and be in a good mindset to create. If I am stressed or overwhelmed I can’t focus on art and that is something that just can not be forced. CBD has given me just enough calmness and mental clarity to help me with focusing and being productive as a creative business owner and with an everyday life.

A Little Help from CBD

I use a full spectrum industrial hemp CBD which does have trace amounts of THC. Hemp naturally has a lower THC count with just under .3%, so no high is involved. Full spectrum hemp creates what is known as the” entourage effect,” which means that all of the cannabinoids work harmoniously together to achieve the best results. It’s the best of both worlds, in my opinion. When all of the plant’s cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenoids are combined, they work far better for medicinal purposes than any individual compound.

The presence of CBD prevents the THC from becoming overpowering, allowing me to spend less time daydreaming and more time focused and productive. Finding what dose and method works for you is also part of the process and can be quite different for everyone.

Using CBD Effectively

When starting out less is more is what I learned, but there may be days when a larger dose is needed and you can adjust accordingly. Sometimes if you take too much it may not have the same effect as if you break it up into smaller doses or what is referred to as microdosing.

I use and prefer a daily tincture and vape oils. The vape oils I use have cannabis derived terpenes (sativa or indica strains) which have immediate effectiveness. I prefer a sativa vape oil when I need to be extra productive in the studio. It is calming yet uplifting and focusing at the same time.

Indica, on the other hand, has the opposite effect and I prefer this in the evening to try to shut off some of the creativeness and to relax, unwind, and recharge. CBD is reducing my stress and anxiety to a manageable level, while the boost in creative brainpower gave me less to feel stressed and anxious about.

It's a Brain Thing

Research indicates that CBD can direct extra blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, the region tasked with creative problem solving· and emotional processing. CBD also triggers the release of dopamine, a “feel-good” neurotransmitter that encourages emotional receptiveness. As a result of this happy combination, I have just been able to take in all kinds of thoughts and use them effectively and just be more productive in general. And that’s pretty much what the creative process is all about, right? Now as a business owner, feeling productive and letting those good ideas come allows me to flourish.



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