Color paint splashes with rings

Cannabis and Creativity: THC

It is remarkable. Really. The long-awaited shift in the public perception of cannabis. The stigma long associated with this amazing plant is rapidly lifting. Inspired thinking and education have been instrumental in negating parochial views and misinformation, especially in the medical industry. Cannabis is becoming widely accepted as a medicinal alternative and a natural option for physical and mental health issues. Cannabidiol (CBD), which is a non-psychoactive product of cannabis, has been used successfully to treat a number of maladies such as pain, seizures, anxiety, and even insomnia.

THC and Creativity

There are also benefits to be derived from Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive form of cannabis. It may be used to free the mind of thoughts, enabling the exploration of the imagination. In fact, THC may be used as a cerebral supplement for meditation, relaxation, and artistic creativity.

Creating art while experiencing THC is an awakening of the mind. The awakening is the experience of psychoactivity (heightened senses and awareness). One artist said it well, “THC is motivating and has a positive influence on creating and multi-tasking:”

The Awakening

This awakening can, to varying degrees, enhance the creative process. The creative process is the process of generating original ideas, connecting ideas, and producing art that is based on those ideas. It’s the ability to create or produce what is in the imagination. The creative process can be deeply relaxing, all consuming, and ideally very productive. When THC is added to the process, the mind and imagination can expand.

This awakening of the mind and senses has been achieved with even a small dose of THC. It’s a good idea to sample the THC product and determine the appropriate dosage. Typically, sativa strains are used for creativity as it yields an uplifting, cerebral effect. This euphoric feeling can stimulate creative thoughts and even help in developing an artwork, design, or project. One effect of sativa is a heightened awareness of detail. Many times the success of a project is in the details, so this awareness can be quite valuable.

Visual Sense

Secondly, there may be a heightened visual sense that may make colors appear more vivid. If the project is a painting or another type of color application, this enlightened awareness of color can be useful in selecting colors for a project or painting, and identifying interesting color combinations. Choosing colors that speak to us could make something blasé become something bold, brilliant, and personal. Color inspirations may be found in our surroundings and everything that is in our line of vision. It helps to write down (describe) or create samples of interesting colors.


THC can also stimulate the thinking part of the brain. This is where originality comes from. Our thoughts, experiences, everything we see, hear, feel, and smell contribute to the formation of thoughts and ideas.

Creating art, integrated with THC, can result in an amazing synergy of ideas and impulses, all of which enhance imagination and creativity.



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