Mental Health

United states of opioids: oxycodone opioid tablets on American flag

The United States of Opioids Epidemic

The cultural definition of insanity is doing the same thing while expecting different results. In the politics of opioid addiction, the culture of insanity apparently rules. I say this because it is obvious that we keep making the same decisions of separation, stigma, and incarceration for addicts, even as the problem of addiction and death

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Ask the Doctor: Diagnosing PTSD and Treating with Cannabis

Question: How is PTSD diagnosed and can cannabis help treat it? Answer Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a relatively new label attached to an age-old condition. However, diagnosing PTSD and treating with cannabis is a newer treatment yeilding some great results. Even as early as the 5th century B.C., its core symptoms were described at

Ask the Doctor: Diagnosing PTSD and Treating with Cannabis Read More »

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