“Living the HIGHland Life”
So a few months ago, my wife and I moved into a 1950s home out on Pine Island. This house was sitting vacant for over a year and could certainly use lots and lots of elbow grease. Having been injured a few years back from someone rear-ending me at a red light, my back and neck haven’t been the same since. So, taking on such a project with little construction experience is going to be a slow and painful venture for sure.
Feeling like Tom Hanks in the movie, The Money Pit, I quickly started suffering from all the projects and tasks this place keeps throwing at us. Naturally, one would be reaching for aspirin or Tylenol to ease the aches and pains. For those of you who know me, I like to try a more natural approach when it comes to medicine.
All cannabis is medicine
It’s no secret that I’m a big supporter of cannabis and the amazing healing properties it possesses. Most who recreationally use cannabis use it without realizing that they are self medicating for some reason. All cannabis is medicine.
Cannabis beginnings
As an adolescent, my mother got transferred to Delaware for a career opportunity with DuPont. I went into a depression and started having panic attacks from being separated from everything I knew in Massachusetts. I made friends really quick and then made more when school started. I had tried cannabis back in Massachusetts a bunch, but it wasn’t a regular thing for me.
The panic attacks and depression affected my life in a big way. I really missed my friends back home, my grades were in the dumps, and the “medication” the doctors put me on for what I now know was “anxiety” made me feel like a zombie.
As time went on, I made some friends that were into cannabis. Naturally, I joined them trying to fit in. I soon discovered cannabis made me feel good mentally and that it gave me amazing creativity as well. I stopped taking the pills the docs gave me and started experimenting with cannabis a little bit more frequently. Soon thereafter it was like an awakening happened… I started becoming more social. I “dove” into school big time and started excelling in music, art, English, and sports. That’s when I realized it was medicinal. Now back to the Island…
Granddaddy Purple
Working on the house, my body was in turmoil. Daily pain and muscle spasms kept on coming. I had to try some more of the flower options that some dispensaries have been producing. So, I ordered up one of my favorite strains, Granddaddy Purple, coincidentally grown by Fluent Cannabis Care. GDP is an amazing indica hybrid that doesn’t knock me out; it makes me feel great mentally and physically. GDP eases my aches and pains, relaxes me without putting me to sleep, and tastes amazing. It has a great berry/earthy flavor when smoking or vaping it.
Fluent Cannabis Care has done a great job on the cultivation, drying and curing of this hall of fame strain. And they have free delivery service with no minimums, anywhere in the state. Now that’s service I need when living on an island!
Florida-Style Smoked Fish Dip
How to Make Florida-Style Smoked Fish Dip
In this installment of Infusion Therapy, I’ve decided to share one of my favorite recipes that I make quite often: Florida Style Smoked Fish Dip. This recipe can be made without cannabis so your non-medicating guests can enjoy the wonderful flavors of this delicious Florida favorite.