small squares of infused mint chocolate fudge

Infused Mint Chocolate Fudge

How to make THC Infused Mint Chocolate Fudge

I love chocolate. I also love mint. Put the two of them together and I am a happy woman. This infused mint chocolate fudge is great infused or on it's own. Pro tip: Using mint can dramatically cut down on the "cannabis" flavor of your edibles.

small squares of infused mint chocolate fudge
Total Time Needed: 30 minutes

Required Tools:

- 2 glass bowls
- 8x8 pan
- Aluminum foil
- Spoon
- Spatula

Ingredients Needed

- 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
- 1 1/2 cups white chocolate chips
- 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
- 1 tsp. mint extract
- Green food coloring
- Your Product (SurTerra’s ZEN Pure Reserve Oil Used)

The Process

Step 1: Heat chocolate and 1/2 condensed milk
1. In a glass bowl heat chocolate chips and half of the condensed milk in the microwave for 90 seconds, stirring every 30 seconds until melted and smooth.
Step 2: Add product
Add your product, stir well.
Step 3: In a separate bowl
In a separate glass bowl, heat the white chocolate. and half of the condensed milk in the microwave for 90 seconds, stirring every 30 seconds until melted and smooth.
Step 4: Add extract and coloring
Add the mint extract and the green food coloring to the white chips and stir until fully combined.
Step 5: Add chocolate
Add an even layer of your medicated chocolate to an aluminum foil-lined 8″ -x- 8″ pan (leave yourself a couple spoonfuls to marble the top).
Step 6: Shake
Shake the 8×8 pan a little to make it even.
Step 7: Add green layer and swirl
Add green chocolate and smooth. Place your remaining medicated chocolate on top. Gently run a butter knife a few times through to give it a swirled effect.
Step 8: Refrigerate
Refrigerate two hours, until firm.
Step 9: Remove from pan.
Take the fudge out of the refrigerator and remove from pan.
Step 10: Pull foil
Pull the foil away from the fudge.
Step 11: Cut
Cut into square pieces.
Step 12: Store
Store in a cool dry place in an airtight container.

**Surterra’s ZEN Pure Reserve Oil used



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