5-Minute Fixes 10/21

Busy schedule? Short on time? These quick health and wellness boosters take just a few minutes.​

Homemade Beer Cheese Soup with Chives and Bread

Comfort food for the soul

Soups and stews are not only a great way to save time and money, but they are also very healthy for you. With the cooler weather, these one-pot-meals are a great way to get a well-rounded meal that comforts the tummy and the soul. Make a large batch and freeze them in individual containers to mix it up throughout the winter.

boiling potpourri with with slices of orange, anise slice, cinnamon and clove.

Custom potpourri for you and me

Looking for an easy way to make your house smell great? Grab an old pot (or small crock pot) and fill it with water. Add some spices/herbs such as clove or cinnamon and throw in some cut fruit like an apple or orange. Bring the mixture to a boil then reduce to low and simmer. Not only does it make your home smell wonderful, it also humidifies the air during the months we have lower humidity or on the occasion that we have to turn the heat on. This is also a great way to use up any aromatic fruit that may be a little past it’s prime.

Portrait of a smiling woman writing on note pad at home

Take five (or ten)...

Life can bog you down but try and find at least five minutes a day (or even ten minutes) when you can do something you truly enjoy. Commit to doing this activity everyday and you may quickly find a reduction in stress and an increase in happiness.

Woman using step tracking on her phone

Step by step

Using a pedometer to track your daily steps is a good way to keep active with a little healthy self-competition. Almost all phones have a built-in step-tracker so why not take advantage of it? After a while you may find that you are automatically increasing the amount you walk without even noticing it. “Well, I did 2,346 steps yesterday … I wonder if l can hit 2,500 today.”

female volunteer handing out canned goods

Community and connection

People need people. Period. And that goes double for the holiday season. If you have some spare time or a little extra cash, consider helping out those in need this year. It can make you feel good about making a difference in someone else’s life.

Cup with hot tea, lemon and ginger for cold on wooden table, top view

Boost your immuniTEA

Cold and flu season is here and it’s always nice to have an extra tool to help your immune system do what it does best. As the nights are cooling down, a nice hot cup of tea will not only relax you but it can help boost your immune system too.


  • 8-12oz. Water
  • Fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey, to taste (Remember: Local honey is always best) Optional: Your favorite tea bag (I enjoy green tea with this recipe)


  1. Bring the water to a boil and add the cut ginger. Boil for 15 minutes.
  2. After 15 minutes, strain the ginger and add the water to a mug.
  3. If you are using a tea bag, add it at this point and let steep.
  4. Add honey and lemon juice to taste.


  • Add an anti-inflammatory boost by adding tumeric or cinnamon.
  • Add cloves to soothe a sore throat.
adult woman coloring in coloring book using pencils

Coloring – Not just for kids

When we were children, we derived much pleasure from coloring (Mom also liked it because it would get you to sit still and focus on something for more than three minutes). Adult coloring books are a thing and have been gaining popularity over the past few years. So why color? According to psychologist, Gloria Martinez Ayala, coloring “brings out our imagination and takes us back to our childhood, a period in which we most certainly had a lot less stress:’ Not only is it brain-quieting and stress-reducing (similar to meditating), but it keeps you focused while increasing hand-­eye coordination and giving your brain a little exercise. So grab a cup of hot herbal tea and some markers and be a kid again.



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Amber Summer

Finding Joy in Uncertainty

My name is Amber Summer and I was born in 1989 in Ft. Myers, Florida. Here I am at 31 years old, residing in rural Tennessee, laying in my bed. An abandoned cup of coffee sits next to me, the long since cooled ceramic trying to demand space on my overly-crowded night stand. Similarly, each

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Scott Strachan RN

Caregivers Need Care Too

“When neglected, caregiver stress and burnout can compromise the care of the individual they are assisting, as well as their own wellbeing.” Scott Strachan, RN Those experiencing a short term or extended illness can often feel helpless. Depending on the situation they may not be able to care for themselves independently. Often the responsibility of

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steaming cup of coffee surrounded by coffee beans
Brian Abernathy

Quest for the Perfect Coffee

Although many people enjoy their ritual of drinking coffee how do you know if you are preparing and consuming it correctly? There are several factors that affect the quality of your coffee. The primary ones are bean quality, water quality, and equipment. Follow this guide to become a more educated coffee consumer and enjoy your

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