5-Minute Fixes 08/21

Busy schedule? Short on time? These quick health and wellness boosters take just a few minutes.

Life’s a beach… walk it.

“Blue space” is the feeling of peacefulness and tranquility you get when you go to the beach. Since we are so fortunate to have a beach so close to us, why not take advantage of it more often? With the cooler weather upon us, an evening stroll on your favorite local beach can help you in several ways… The blue space effect can help reduces stress, boost creativity, reduce feelings of sadness or depression, and can change your overall perspective on life. It’s time to get a little sand between those toes.

Breathe. Just Breathe.

By learning to “just breathe” you can reduce stress and/or anxiety, improve sleep, and lower blood pressure. This great 5-minute fix is one that you can do anytime and anyplace. Go ahead, give it a try. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

  1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  2. Take a deep breathe in for a count of four and exhale it for a count of four.
  3. Focus on your breathing – feel your stomach and diaphragm move in and out.
  4. Repeat until you feel relaxed.

Try a new fruit

Sometimes we become creatures of habit… we tend to make the same favorite dishes at home or order the same item at our local restaurant. However, breaking out of the norm is actually healthy for you. The next time you are in the produce department at the grocery store, grab a new fruit. Have you ever tried a pomegranate, star fruit, casaba melon, Asian pear, or persimmon? A new sweet treat may be the fix you need.

Seek out a supplement

CBD has a multitude of health benefits. Incorporating CBD oil as a daily dietary supplement can have some positive effects for those suffering from chronic pain, anxiety, epilepsy, and other health issues.

Write it down

Try this: For one week, make a list of everything you eat, and I mean everything. No cheating. At the end of the week, go back and see what you ate. The results may surprise you.

Send a card

Sure, the advances in technology are wonderful… we know everything that is going on with family, friends, and even mere acquaintances through social media. However, sometimes social media lacks the personal touch we all love (and need). If you see someone is having a tough time, don’t just give them an unhappy face on Facebook. Sending them a hand-written card will brighten their day and their response will brighten yours. After all, we all love to get mail other than advertisements and bills, right?

Use fresh herbs

Most people will agree that food just tastes better when freshly chopped herbs are used. Fresh herbs don’t have to be something you only experience when you dine out. Whether you grow them in your kitchen (it’s really quite easy) or you buy them at a store or farmer’s market, adding them to your meal doesn’t just add zing to bland dishes. It may also have some health benefits. Isn’t it thyme to start using fresh herbs in your cooking?

An apple (cider vinegar) a day …

Recently there have been many claims as to the benefits of apple cider vinegar, from lowering blood sugar and blood pressure to weight loss to relieving itchy bug bites. This versatile item should be in every pantry in every home. Although it can be used in many ways, try this morning drink to feel some of it’s healthy effects.

Directions: Add 1-2 teaspoons to a cup of warm water each morning. Because it is rather acidic, you may want to add a tablespoon or so of honey (local raw honey contains pollen that is specific to your area and therefore can really help those local seasonal allergies).



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Dr. Pete Ton

Ask the Doctor: What is Neuroplasticity?

Question: I keep hearing the term neuroplasticity. Can you give me an overview of what it is and how it works? Answer It is understood that the brain possesses the remarkable capacity to reorganize pathways, create new connections, and, in some cases, even create new neurons -a concept called neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity. Neuro refers to neurons,

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Lisa Colando

5-Minute Fixes 10/21

Busy schedule? Short on time? These quick health and wellness boosters take just a few minutes.​ Comfort food for the soul Soups and stews are not only a great way to save time and money, but they are also very healthy for you. With the cooler weather, these one-pot-meals are a great way to get

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Lisa Colando

5-Minute Fixes 12/21

Busy schedule? Short on time? These quick health and wellness boosters take just a few minutes.​ Banana splits for breakfast? We all enjoy a good banana split once in a while, but have you ever thought about having one for breakfast? Simply switch out the ice cream for a healthy Greek yogurt and top with

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