5-Minute Fixes 09/21

Busy schedule? Short on time? These quick health and wellness boosters take just a few minutes.​

Shower head with running water

Hot summer day? Chill out!

We know that Florida summers can be downright hellishly hot. It’s easy to break a sweat by just bringing groceries into the house. To combat the heat and boost your mood, try spending two to three minutes under cool water in the shower. Not only is it a refreshing pick-me-up, but the cold may even cause the brain to release feel-good hormones.

woman mindfully eating a salad

Eat mindfully

With our busy schedules, we often end up scarfing meals whenever we can, forgetting to breathe, let alone be mindful of how our bodies feel. No matter how stressed or busy you may be, slow down and enjoy your meal. Breathe between bites and take notice when you’re full. Odds are you’ll end up eating much less and feeling much better.

young hands holding plush red heart

Get what you give

Are you the type of person who is always giving and never taking? This is the short road to compassion fatigue – yes, compassion fatigue is a thing. Give to yourself and receive from others, otherwise you’ll get to a point where you have nothing left to give. If you can’t receive from others, how can they receive from you?

three women doing yoga stretches

Now that’s a big stretch...

A good stretch feels great! When you stretch, ease your body into position until you feel the stretch and then hold it for about 25- 30 seconds. Breathe deeply to help your body move oxygen-rich blood to those sore and aching muscles. Don’t bounce or force yourself into an uncomfortable position. Ahhh … now doesn’t that feel better?

Green sign saying "change just ahead" with cloud background

Be the change

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? People with a strong purpose in life are 2.5 times more likely to ward of Alzheimer’s Disease and research has shown that it can reduce depression too. Ask the question, then answer quickly, from the gut. Brainstorm five ways you can make this change a reality on the local level.

annoyed young boy with freckles scratching his hair for head lice

Bye bye little guys …

Back to school means that there is always a chance of a lice outbreak. .. Ewwww! However, using harsh chemicals on your child to eradicate those tiny mighty pests is the last thing you want to do. So if you find yourself in need of an emergency lice treatment, don’t despair. We’ve found a natural way to take care of the little critters once and for all.


  • 3 Tbsp. Coconut oil
  • 5-20 Drops each of tea tree oil, lavender oil, and eucalyptus oil* 2 cups Apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup Water

Note: You can also use neem, clove, anis, cinnamon, or rosemary oils, which are all effective in eliminating head lice.


  1. Mix coconut oil and essential oils. Apply mixture all over scalp and massage through to the ends of the hair.
  2. Comb through hair again. Then rinse and shampoo hair.
  3. Mix the apple cider vinegar and water. While hair is still wet, apply mixture and massage into scalp.
  4. Rinse.
close up of iphone app store icon on phone

I get by with a little help from my apps

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, and in this case, it actually does. Our phone give us ample opportunities to better our health and wellness through a few simple apps. For overall health, check out the Health app that probably came with your phone. It’s a great way to log in some of your daily vitals and track your progress. If you are looking at taking a few small steps to better your health, try the Fabulous app. From drinking water to eating a good breakfast, this app will get you geared up for a healthier life. Stressed? Try the Calm or Happy Not Perfect apps. They give you daily stress-relieving tips and exercises to put you in a good place all day long.



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Lisa Colando

5-Minute Fixes 11/21

Busy schedule? Short on time? These quick health and wellness boosters take just a few minutes.​ Move over crackers If you have an upset stomach and are tired of crackers, try making some rice in chicken broth instead of water. It adds flavor to the rice and is actually a lot cheaper than chicken noodle

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