woman dipping finger into whipped moisturizing skin cream

Infused Wicked Hippie Coolwhip

It’s that time again in Southwest Florida when the humidity and daily rainstorms have subsided. Along with all that moisture disappearing with the onset of fall, your body also dries out much more quickly. I don’t know about any of you, but my hands and feet take the brunt of the seasonal humidity change. So in this issue, I decided to share a recipe for an ultra moisturizing cannabis infused whipped body butter. I’ve decided to use a 1: 1 CBD to THC ratio concentrate called “God’s Gift” from my friends over at Trulieve.

With lineage from Granddaddy Purp and OG Kush, God’s Gift concentrate is precisely blended with concentrate from a high CBD strain called Remedy. Remedy’s lineage comes from a cross of Cannatonic and Afghan Skunk, which produces a crop that is up to 15% CBD with only trace amounts of THC. This concentrate comes in a 1ml glass syringe boasting a whopping 850mg total for just $60. All of Trulieve’s Truclear products are suited for inhalation, oral, and topical uses.

God’s Gift Truclear is clearly a multi use product that can provide relief in many forms. Let’s get down to it … This whipped body butter is a combination of a recipe I found online and a moisturizing oil recipe I created that my wife and I use. So, where I’m blending my recipe with another, I’ve decided it’s only proper to give it it’s own name. I’m calling it Wicked Hippie Coolwhip!

How to make Infused Wicked Hippie Coolwhip

three jars of infused wicked hippie coolwhip
Total Time Needed: 60 minutes

Required Tools:

- Electric hand mixer or emulsion blender
- Medium saucepan
- 2 large mixing bowls or equivalent
- Recycled baby food jars or hand cream containers

Ingredients Needed

- ½ cup Shea Butter
- ½ cup Cocoa Butter
- ½ cup Unrefined Coconut Oil
- ½ cup Avocado Oil
- 1 850mg syringe of God’s Gift TruClear (or product of your choice)
- 2 Tbsp. Arrowroot powder (optional) helps with absorption
- 1 tsp. Vitamin E (optional) keeps oils from going rancid longer
- Essential oils of your choice for fragrance
- Ice

The Process

Step 1: Fill saucepan and heat
Fill a medium saucepan halfway with water, put it on your stovetop set to medium low, and bring the water to a simmer only.
Step 2: Create double boiler
Place a large mixing bowl on top of the saucepan to create a double boiler and add the coconut and avocado oils to the mixing bowl.
Step 3: Heat. Blend concentrate
Heat until about as hot as a fresh cup of coffee. When the oils are up to temp, blend in the whole syringe of God’s Gift and mix really well.
Step 4: Transfer
When fully blended, transfer the infused liquid oil to a heat safe container for use later.
Step 5: Add optional ingredients
You can add the vitamin E and arrowroot powder to the coconut/hemp oil mixture at this point, if you choose to do so, and mix in with a fork.
Step 6: Allow to cool
Set aside to cool completely.
Step 7: Add the butters
Next, add the cocoa and shea butters to the mixing bowl and place back on the heat until fully melted.
Step 8: Chill bowl and prepare mixer
Fill another large bowl with ice and place the bowl of melted butters on the ice to aid in the cooling process. Now’s the time to get your mixer ready.
Step 9: Blend
When the butters are about halfway solidified, there will be a pool of liquid butter in the center. Pour the liquid oil mix prepared earlier into the bowl of cooling butters. Pro-tip: Any essential oils you’d like to use can be added to the containers that are going to store the butter. This way, you can custom tailor each portion differently.
Step 10: Start the whipping process
After adding the liquid oils to the half hardened butter mix, you can now remove the bowl from the ice and start the whipping process. I break the hardened butter from the edges of the bowl first and then fire up the mixer. Start to incorporate the chunks of butter into the liquid oils with the mixer on low speed. Slowly increase the speed of the mixer as it starts to smooth out.
Step 11: Spoon into containers and add oil
Once the mixture is nice and smooth, you can spoon it into your container of choice, this is when I add my essential oils. A few drops in each container should do the trick. Play mix and match when adding essential oils. Vanilla, sandalwood and cinnamon oils work great as a warming topical or orange, vanilla and tea tree oils for bright and tingly one.

Get creative and give it a go! Just please be responsible and properly label anything you make with cannabis. If you weigh the amount of body butter in each container, you can calculate how many milligrams of CBD and THC there are in each one. Simple math can go a long way. Look up our group called High Level Cooking on Facebook or send me a friend request and I’ll get you into the group. If you can read, you can infuse. Enjoy your Infused Wicked Hippie Coolwhip!



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