5-Minute Fixes 01/22

Busy schedule? Short on time? These quick health and wellness boosters take just a few minutes.​

Woman holding basket with cleaning equipment on bright background. Conceptual photo of spring cleaning.

Healthy Spring Clean

If you haven’t already “spring cleaned” during the pandemic, now is a great time to give it a go and rid the house of any unhealthy items. Check the expiration dates of your medications and supplements and dispose of any that are no longer used or are past expiration. If they are prescription medicines, check with your doctor before tossing them (and toss them properly). You can also go through your pantry and pitch foods that are expired. Feel free to donate any unused products to a local food bank.

bouquet of Chrysanthemum flowers on grey table indoors

Bring the Outside In

Fresh flowers can be a wonderful way to bring a little nature indoors. And who doesn’t smile when they see a beautiful bouquet? A splash of color to brighten up your day can change your whole perspective.

young woman dancing at home, singing into whisk

Just Dance!

We all have our favorites songs. You know the ones.. the ones that when you hear the first note you get all excited and your heart starts pumping a little faster. Pick one of your favorite songs and turn the music up. Dance. Clean. Jump around. Smile. Sing. Get that blood flowing. Even better? Grab a friend, dance with them, and share a few laughs.

happy man taking a bath, reading a book, and practicing self care

Self-Care Sunday

You’ve heard it every time you’ve been on a plane. The flight attendant states, “In case of an emergency, put the oxygen mask on yourself first.” This is not only applicable on an airplane… it’s also true in everyday life. You can only help others when you have enough (energy) to give others. To ensure that, give yourself some self-care time, maybe on Sundays. Make it a priority and do at least one thing for YOU. Get a pedicure. Read a book. Write. Take a bath. Walk in the woods. A little time for your yourself doing something you love can make all the difference.

close up of woman consciously looking at bowl of fruit

Make Every Bite Count

One of the easiest ways to practice mindfulness or staying in the moment is through food. The next time you eat, slow down, become intentional about how and what you are eating, and really savor the flavors. If you are preparing to eat an orange, feel the bumpiness of its skin, smell the aroma as you peel it. When you take the first bite, taste the tartness/sweetness and be aware of your taste buds’ reaction. Is it sweeter than you expected? More tart? Do the flavors change with each subsequent bite? Eating can be a delicious form of mindful meditation.

man stretching in front of computer desk

Take a Stand

With so many people working from home now, it’s easy to become too sedentary. When sitting at home (or work) for hours on end, muscles can become stiff and sore. To combat this, stand up and walk around every half hour to hour. This gets the blood flowing and gives you a quick mental and physical break before resuming your work.

woman peeking through her fingers, scared

The Only Thing we Have to Fear

It’s no secret that the pandemic has taken a mental toll on many people around the globe. One of the emotions that is prevalent is fear… Fear of getting sick, fear of dying, fear of lack of “normalcy,” fear of financial ruin, even fear of society or going out in public. However, it is fear that holds us back from becoming who we are meant to be and from living our best lives. It’s okay to be fearful. Acknowledge the fear when you fell it. Then let it pass. Replace fearful thoughts with thoughts of gratitude, positivity, and love. It’s not easy to overcome fear but with the right mindset, it can be tamed.



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coffee cup with napkin with words "self care isn't selfish" written on it
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