cooking cannabis food

High Level Cooking: An Infusion Group

Q: What is High Level Cooking?

A: High Level Cooking is a Facebook group I started to help patients new to the medical cannabis program learn how to properly use the distillates that are sold here in Florida. Most dispensaries were telling patients to squeeze a rice sized piece of distillate on a cracker or something similar, then eat it. First off that’s really gross and will turn off the most seasoned medical cannabis patients, not to mention the new ones. So, I set out to combine my love for food and cannabis. The result was High Level Cooking.

Now, we are almost 1000 members strong and grow daily. I’d like to mention that everyone in the group asked to be there. I’m not a fan of “loading up” a group really quick to gain notoriety. Instead, I’ve kept the group secret and require members to ask to join. Now we have all sorts of folks that post amazing recipes and techniques to help the cause. It’s a group effort.

Q: How did it start?

A: It started all out of my passion for cannabis and food. It only made sense to put the two together for the greater good.

Q: What is the purpose of High Level Cooking?

A: The purpose I set out for HLC was to have a judgment free zone where you can ask any question regarding legal medical cannabis. At first it was meant for just Florida patients, but now we have all kinds of patients in different states. It’s nice to know we have somewhere that anyone can get good quality information.

Q: What is its mission?

A: Well, I really haven’t thought of a mission statement for HLC. If I had to think of one I’d say, “passion before profit.”

Q: Who can join? How much do they need to know about cannabis?

A: Anyone is welcome to join as long as they respect one another and know that this is a place to share information and not to market your widget. So far everyone has been very cooperative here and have shared loads of great information. We are all just real people that have something in common.

Q: Do you ever meet up in the “real world?”

A: Yes. I try to meet as many of our members as I can. I go to various industry events to mingle with like-minded individuals. Soon I hope to start infusion gatherings where patients can learn first­hand how to properly infuse distillate into different mediums for cooking. Once a patient knows the basics of infusion, they can expand on it as much as their creativity will let them.

Q: Do you work with any dispensaries in the area?

A: I love working with dispensaries if given the opportunity. I’ve written a few articles on infusion and have had the privilege of using some Curaleaf products. It’s always nice to see what’s out there and keep up with new products from the different dispensaries. As I make more contacts in the industry, I will most certainly be writing about the latest and greatest products dispensaries here have to offer.

Q: How can people find and join the group?

A: All you have to do is search for “High Level Cooking” in Facebook groups and answer a few questions. Or just click HERE. One of us will get you approved in no time.



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