white lotus flower illustration with yoga figure on multi-colored water color background

Meditation Quick Start Guide

Have you ever wanted to meditate but were afraid to try? Or maybe you think you can’t. This meditation quick start guide highlights six simple methods that can get you started on your meditation journey. Happy breathing!


Description: This is a type of mindful meditation that encourages mindful breathing. The goal is to focus only on breathing and to ignore the other thoughts that enter the mind. Breathe slowly and deeply, counting your breaths or otherwise focusing on your breaths. This practice works well for those who suffer from anxiety or wish to have greater emotional flexibility.

Technique: Breathe in for a count of four. Hold for a count of two. Breathe in for a count of four. Hold for a count of two. Repeat.


Description: This form of meditation urges you to be present and aware of the moment. Rather than focusing on the past and dreading the future, mindfulness encourages awareness of a person’s existing surroundings. This practice is great for those who suffer from anxiety and can be done virtually anywhere. For example, you may be mindful of your surroundings while in line at Publix.

Technique: Start by focusing on your breathing. Then calmly notice the smell coming from the bakery, notice the color of the tiles on the floor, or listen to the sound of the scanner beeping.


Description: Loving kindness meditation is also known as meta meditation. It’s goal is to naturalize an attitude of love and kindness towards everything. This includes a person’s enemies or various sources of stress and is a great method for those suffering from anger, frustration, and inner personal conflict.

Technique: While breathing deeply, open you mind to receiving loving kindness. then, in turn, send loving kindness outward to specific people, loved ones, and friends. The key is to repeat this many times until you feel loving kindness.


Description: Progressive relaxation, or sometimes called body scan, involves scanning the body for areas of tension or stress. This method encourages you to tense up all the muscles in the body and then relax them. It allows you to locate the tension in your body and relieve it. This is great for sufferers of chronic pain.

Technique: Start at one end of your body and begin tensing and releasing each area. As you do this, focus on which areas are tense and imagine a wave drifting over these areas to relieve them.


Description: Moving meditation involves just that… moving. Rhythmic physical movements can focus and center the mind. this is a combination of low impact exercise and meditation to reduce stress, anxiety, and to improve energy and blood flow.

Technique: Start by clearing your mind and being aware using the “in the moment (mindfulness)” technique while allowing the physical body to remain in motion. This includes ironing, walking, bicycle riding, sweeping, or painting a room.


Description: Zen meditation can be part of a Buddhist practice. Many practitioners study under a teacher because it involves specific steps and postures. This is similar to mindful meditation but requires a little more study and discipline.

Technique: the goal is to find a comfortable position, focus on breathing, and mindfully observe one’s thoughts without judgement. If a negative thought enters your mind, simply acknowledge it and then just let it go.

No matter which technique you choose, the main goal is to just keep practicing… That’s while it is called a meditation practice. If you are a cannabis user and enjoy meditating or want to try meditating with cannabis, check out this article to get you started.



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